Cenex Harvest States
Bluestem Brands
Wells Fargo
Northwest Airlines

LifeTouch, Inc

  • Architect and developer creating a new business unit in our Lake environment using SQL Server SSIS and SSRS, Power BI to deliver reports.
  • Architect and developer delivering a solution to address the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). The solution uses SSIS to pull data from Oracle, Redshift and SQL Server into the privacy database. Driven either by Email or Address the CCPA Engine pulls data from 3 Data Warehouses and presents the findings to legal via SSRS and Power BI..
  • Architect and developer of an AWS Data Warehouse migrating LifeTouch's SQL Server warehouse to Redshift.
  • Development of ETL to move 14 data sources to AWS S3 Buckets through Python and AirFlow.
  • Development of ETL building fact and dimension tables in Redshift again using Python and AirFlow.